
SERVequipment is an established provider of management services, especially in the Construction Equipment, Cargo Handling and Transport industries.

At SERVequipment we understand the complexity of the industries and their relative processes. We provide a complete spectrum of services including cost management, feasibility studies, programme management, and contract management.

Our mission is to work with our clients in order to help them managing their projects in a smarter manner, with standardized methodology and workflow, with the goal of saving time and cost.

SERVequipment is active in more than 30 countries in 5 continents through a network of branches, consultants and independent professionals.

We have a solid, well-coordinated and ever-expanding network of industry experts, consultants and researchers in more than 200 cities throughout the world.

Whether you are looking for a project management partner in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Oceania, SERVequipment is there for you.